Environmental policy

Our planet is precious and we only have a finite amount of resources. The October 2018 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that we must make urgent and unprecedented changes to prevent a global catastrophe. We all have a part to play if we are to support the wellbeing of our environment – think global – act local.
At Doonbank we are wholly committed to creating, maintaining and developing a sustainable environment that supports a wide range of plant and wildlife, but at the same time provides a great holiday experience for our guests.
Our vision for Doonbank is that your accommodation is only part of your holiday experience & we do encourage you to engage with, & enjoy Doonbank’s wonderful location & its fauna & flora.
To support this; here are a few of the things that we are doing:
- Proactively removing Cherry Laurel & Rhododendron Ponticum to ‘open up and bring new life to our woodland garden. This will take time but what we have done so far is already having a positive effect.
- Managing and replanting these areas with a range of native trees including; Rowan, Hazel, Alder, Hawthorn, Silver Birch etc.
- Creating and maintaining a number of woodland paths for guests to enjoy.
- Designating key areas to act as woodland glades and also some ‘wild’ patches.
- Creating and managing a wildflower meadow.
- Leaving fallen trees in situ to rot down, providing a range of habitat for our bird, animal & insect life & supporting nature to take its course, along with some bee hotels.
- Trialling the planting of Willow as a possible source of bio-fuel and to increase the bio-diversity of habitat for our wildlife.
- Planting a new apple orchard.
- Experimenting using the principles of permaculture.
- Where possible we source and use local products to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Composting and growing sustainable foods
In and around the Bothy:
- We have created a mini wildlife area around the guest patio so that you can enjoy the range of butterflies and other insects. This includes highly scented Honeysuckle, native Crocosmia, 3000 crocus and Rosa Rugosa which bees, butterflies and other inspect adore. We also have a small wild patch area nearby which includes borage; Ragged Robin; Nettles and a number of different grasses. This in turn encourages bats and other insect predators.
- All of our outside lighting is LED or solar powered.
- The fencing around the Bothy is constructed using our own bamboo to provide a natural and sustainable woven fence, but with sufficient flexibility to allow rabbits, hedgehogs and pheasants etc to access and exit.
- Bathroom and kitchen water taps are all aerated to support energy reduction.
- All windows are double glazed and both wall and roofing insulation is ‘best of breed’.
- We have a ‘green’ renewable gas and electricity supplier.
- All of our chickens and ducks are truly free range and have access to our own wildflower meadow. Guests are encouraged to collect their own eggs for breakfast.
- We have our own waste treatment plant certified by SEPA.
- We have our own apiary, where we support a minimum of a 150,000 honey bees!
- We are trying to reduce the amount of plastic by using natural compostable bin liners sourced from a reputable environmental supplier.
How can you help?
- Scottish water is delicious – why would you buy bottled water!! We encourage guests to not only taste the tap water, but use reusable water bottles.
- Recycle your waste throughout your holiday.
- Turn down the heating if you are out and about – or have windows or patio doors open. Save energy where you can.